A pro-social company

Get in contact

Contact: Caroline Gundersen
3133 2442


At iNudgeyou, we are specialized in applied behavioural research, and our primary purpose is to develop and communicate evidence-based strategies with pro-social purposes.

After 10 years of very hard work, we are today considered as one of the leading ‘nudge units’ in the world. Internationally, we have advised, conducted reports for OECD, the World Bank and the European Commission. Our experience includes a wide range of experiments and projects, all with a common component: to investigate and develop strategies for pro-social behaviour initiatives.

Our Experience

We have applied nudging in Danish supermarkets in corporation with a Danish minister, developed and implemented new and more efficient boarding procedures for Scandinavian Airlines, Emirates and Norwegian, assisted in the making of the layout of Copenhagen Airport’s new section “Finger C” and mapped months of smoking behaviour in the nightlife of Copenhagen.

We have conducted numerous experiments, projects, research and held educations with for instance The Danish Business Authority, The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority, The Environmental Protection Agency, The Danish Financial Supervisory, The Danish Tax Agency, The Danish Agency for Labour and Recruitment, The Copenhagen municipality and the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Raising Awareness and Interest

Finally, we actively work on raising the awareness and the interest in behavioural science research and we support both the Danish Nudging Network and the European Nudging Network through membership and donations of working hours and research.


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