Registration to the Masterclass in Nudging & Behavioural Insights

NB! Please avoid registering via mobile or tablet, as we are experiencing that registrations via these devices doesn’t go through.


When you fill out the registration form, you sign up for our Masterclass in Nudging in Copenhagen.

Please note that your registration for participation is binding. If you are unable to attend, you have the possibility to send someone else in your place.

We will receive your registration as soon as you submit the registration form and we will get back to you with a confirmation and some questions regarding billing information etc within one working day.

Brochure for the Masterclass in Nudging

By downloading the course brochure, you give consent for us to send email communication to the provided email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.


Thank you for your interest! Soon you will receive the course brochure in your inbox.

Brochure for kurset Nudge din Kommunikation

Tak for din interesse. Vi sender dig en mail med brochuren.

Brochure for kurset Nudging og det gode arbejdsmiljø

Tak for din interesse. Vi sender dig en mail med brochuren.

Brochure forMasterclass i Nudging

Tak for din interesse. Vi sender dig en mail med brochuren.

Brochure forGrunduddannelsen

Ved download af kursusbrochuren giver du accept til, at vi må sende e-mailkommunikation til den angivne e-mailadresse. – Du kan til enhver tid afmelde igen.

Tak for din interesse. Vi sender dig en mail med brochuren.