The newest insights in Nudging and Applied Behavioural Sciences

Nudging healthy and sustainable food choices

Nudging healthy and sustainable food choices

In recent years, it has been increasingly recognized that food choices are not only central to health, but also to global sustainability. In particular, production and consumption of meat have been linked to dying prematurely, as well as proven to be a...

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5 tips to make your Valentine’s date one to remember

5 tips to make your Valentine’s date one to remember

It's Valentine’s Day, which is the perfect excuse for you to invite the cute guy, or girl, from the marketing department out on a date.“Oh yes, right you are - what a brilliant idea”, you might think to yourself and decide to turn that idea into reality....

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6 Nudges to Reduce Interruptions at the Workplace

6 Nudges to Reduce Interruptions at the Workplace

An increasing number of workers experience noise and interruptions as the primary source of frustration at work. Not only does noise and interruptions harm productivity, but may also lead to unnecessary errors, working overtime and stress [1]. In this blog post, we...

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