The newest insights in Nudging and Applied Behavioural Sciences

Do Prescriptions Work Better Than Proscriptions?

Do Prescriptions Work Better Than Proscriptions?

The Challenge As in many other countries around the world Denmark a few years ago (2007) banned indoor smoking from workplaces, restaurants and other contexts potentially exposing others to second hand smoking. While the law has been a huge success in changing...

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Do Supermarkets Really Nudge Us To Eat Unhealthily?

Do Supermarkets Really Nudge Us To Eat Unhealthily?

This summer the debate once again raged in Denmark on what, if any, responsibility retail business has with regards to the increasingly unhealthy dietary habits of consumers. Like in other countries, a main area of public disagreement has been whether we as consumers...

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Even Danish CEOs Can Fall Prey To Judgment Error

Even Danish CEOs Can Fall Prey To Judgment Error

When we tested a bunch of Danish CEOs on whiskey pricing, the real question was whether they could resist the so-called anchoring bias. So, how well did they do? Typically in a field experiment, our aim at iNudgeYou is to observe and map the behaviors of regular...

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Voting Behavior: Nudging Citizens To The Polls

Voting Behavior: Nudging Citizens To The Polls

Low voter turnout is a democratic problem that may be fixed with help from behavioral science. Here are a few insightful nudges that has proven to work. Last week the elections for the European Parliament was carried out in all countries. Though some considerations...

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