Green Nudge: Nudging Litter Into The Bin

Green Nudge: Nudging Litter Into The Bin

Individual littering behavior introduces collective harm that accumulate into significant societal costs. Could simple stickers be a great step towards a greener city?Walking through the streets of Copenhagen offers many rewarding experiences – from beautiful statues...
Nudging Traffic Safety By Visual Illusions

Nudging Traffic Safety By Visual Illusions

Can you count the black spots? Traffic is fast and dangerous, and often it’s fractions of a second that matters. While regulation and incentives are already in place, it’s impossible to cover any situation and keep these structures in mind all the time. Using optical...
How To Nudge Alzheimer’s Patients At The Bus Stop

How To Nudge Alzheimer’s Patients At The Bus Stop

The fake bus-stop outside Benrath Senior Centre in Düsseldorf. It looks like an ordinary bus-stop with the tiny exception that no buses arrive. When we talk about nudging there’s a tendency to think of it in broad terms as tools and techniques that affect people in...

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