Voting Behavior: Nudging Citizens To The Polls

Voting Behavior: Nudging Citizens To The Polls

Low voter turnout is a democratic problem that may be fixed with help from behavioral science. Here are a few insightful nudges that has proven to work. Last week the elections for the European Parliament was carried out in all countries. Though some considerations...
Click: Reducing Unnecessary Energy Usage

Click: Reducing Unnecessary Energy Usage

In this blog post we review the student experiment ‘Click’, aimed at reducing unnecessary energy usage at Roskilde University by combining priming with greater salience. Living in the colder parts of the Northern hemisphere surely has its advantages. In Denmark our...
What Financial Behavior Can Learn From Foraging

What Financial Behavior Can Learn From Foraging

In this post we look at financial literacy and how it corresponds with behavior. Finally, we turn to a different type of behavior, namely foraging, and see if the insights from that can explain some of the oddities in our financial behavior. The financial crisis...
Letter Nudge: The Power Of Handwriting

Letter Nudge: The Power Of Handwriting

An Introductory Example The Danish mortgage bank BRF-kredit has found success in getting through to customers who are having trouble with their economy. When the letters start to pile up, debtors tend to develop a certain fear of window envelopes. BRF’s tactics...
When A Nudge Becomes A Nag

When A Nudge Becomes A Nag

When trying to nudge behavior, you have to consider who it is you are talking to. Otherwise, some nudges may easily become nags.Nudging is increasingly being viewed as an effective policy tool to combat a range of issues like climate change and the obesity...

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